Keeping hens cool in the summer can be difficult when temperatures reach near triple digits. When hens overheat, they don't lay and sometimes even suffer from heat stress or heat exhaustion. Here are some of my favorite ways to keep my ladies cool all summer long.
Hang a sheet on the coop to create shade.
Place the coop in a shaded area in your yard. I have a small mobile coop that can be easily moved around the yard.
Here is a DIY tractor example at Green Willow Homestead.
Or a premade version can be found here.
Fill a litterbox or small kiddie pool with dirt, shallow cool water, or ice. Throw a handful of works in to encourage the girls to take a cool dip.
Freeze cooling herbs, veggies, and fruit, and veggies into pie tins. It keeps the girls cool and occupied on hot days.
Use the misting feature on your hose to cool the ground temperature.
Add ice to waterers add shallow bowls of water throughout the coop.
Add a small fan to keep air circulating.